Eazy Money - Eazy Fired?

CSCO who?
The much anticipated earnings update from CSCO was as exciting as the Lakers without Shaq. CSCO barely met estimates, and missed slightly on rev (6.06B vs. 6.13B). The stock is down 28c (1.54%) after hours.

AAPL finished the day at $80.90, off from its fresh new 52-week high of $81.38 set today. I will be rolling my Feb75 calls to Feb80 calls tomorrow. I think the stock still has alot of upside. There are still people who don't know about Mac Mini and Shuffle (they also never used the internet).
Updated 4:30PM

...I am sorry, I can't be, perfect...
Yes, I've been fired from the notorious B.I.G. (B.I.G. = Bobas Investment Group) for completely making the WRONG call on SINA. Not only did SINA miss estimates, it also lowered next quarter guidance EBAY/AMZN style. The opened at $20.80, down from $27.35, but recovered a bit to $23.65.

To my defense, AAPL has done quite well and finally poked through the $80 mark. It sits handsomely at $80.86, up $1.92, after flirting with $81.38 earlier this morning. I would like to roll my Feb75 AAPL calls into Feb80 calls sometime today to lock in some gains. Feb75 call now stands at $6.00, up a lot from where I bought it at $2.20.

Most of the tech stocks are doing well this morning, ahead of CSCO earnings today after market, and DELL's after Thursday's close. The weirdest thing this morning is that INTC is up more than 2%. Que paso mujer? Not that I am complaining, since I own a few shares of INTC calls & stocks. I still believe INTC should hit $27-$28 this year. I am betting on Q1 earning report to be outstanding.
Updated 10:15AM


Anonymous said...

Easy money would be hedging it both way before ER for anticipated big movemoment. With stock moving 5-6 pts either way, it's guaranteed money.