If you believe Apple’s marketing department, the new Mini is “smaller than most packs of gum” and weighs “less than four quarters”... Hold a Mini in one hand and four quarters in the other and tell me which one feels heavier.
I could get a Mac mini computer for $499... or I could grab an equally stylish, full-featured eMachine at the gas station with a bag of chips for less than half the Mini's price.
There is no Mac version of WeatherBug to check the temperature anywhere in the world. Nor is there a Mac version of helpful web and email enhancers like Hotbar. Or any equivalent of the DealHelper software I use to keep track of my passwords.
Sony PSP vs Nintendo DS: Pornability {via Way of the Rodent} This may be the first real important comparison between the two systems.
Britney Spears Nude on Balcony {via The Superficial, NSFW} As opposed to, naked inside her clothes.
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