Around the Web - GT4, Nipple Piercing and Hypoallergenic Cats

Updated: 2/7/05 5:00 PM
Gran Turismo 4 Review {firingsquad} Doesn't come out for another month, but it's OK to be excited now.
June850 Pierces Nipple and Lives to Tell About It {Xanga} Xangan chick describes her ordeal in detail.
My initial wants was just 1, but now that I know it looks permanently hard my other looks uneven. Its like ones winking at me and the other isn't.

Allergy-Free Kitties {via Wired -> Business Week} Then maybe now I won't be scared to play with a... nevermind.
A fluffy that doesn't set off sneezes and sniffles could one day be a reality.

Superbowl Commercials {thx Homer -> FoxSports} In case you missed them, FoxSports has all the new Superbowl commercials listed. Be sure to watch the Verizon Wireless one in the 3rd quarter, where the miniaturization craze went too far.
Lego Star Wars for PS2 {Gamespot} Coming out in April, the screenshots just make me laugh.