Failures of Friendster

This story tells of how Friendster could have been sold to Google for 30 million dollars back in 2003, and because John Abrams turned it down, all the troubles they have encountered since.

Click here to read the story

Wii Preorders

This is just a friendly remind that the Nintendo Wii will be available for preorder at Gamestop and Ebgames tomorrow, and should last just a couple of minutes. Good luck and may the force be wii you.

Google Calendar

You know me and my obsession with all things Google. They just released their Calendar... not quite as good as 30 Boxes yet (30 Boxes has tags), but you know, I'm gonna switch anyway.

Google Calendar
30 Boxes

Video: Transformers


MacBook Pro


It's so hot. It's so hot. It's so hot. It's so hot. It's so hot. It's so hot. It's so hot. It's so hot. It's so hot. It's so hot. It's so hot.

Macworld 2006


Anxiously awaiting announcements from MacWorld.

Top 10 Free Time Wasting Sites on the Net


For those that are at work today, play these games to help recover from your hangover. Then you can get back to work.

Definitely try the Falling Sand.