Home Poker League Stats

I play poker. A lot. With my friends. We have our own "league". I found this site to keep track of it. It's free and easy to use. It comes with a complete league management system, and if your friends don't want to sign up, you can just give them the public view so they can still see your league stats.

Check it out here.

He also has some funny t-shirts... my favorite being this one that says, "online poker is for ugly people". So true, so true..


Anonymous said...

Best site ever. Click on the link ads to support the webmaster.

One Chip Wonder

Anonymous said...

you might want to check out the www.statsgenie.com/poker website.

It also allows you to manage your poker league and has a bunch of cool options including the events schedule and custumizable rankings.

Anonymous said...

I use http://pokersoup.com to host my league (I'd tell you which but the league is private so you have to be a member to see it.) No ads, a snazzy ajax interface for entering results, and the admins are helpful. Also manages RSVPs for my tournaments.